Earn Money on Facebook

You can earn money sharing your unique content on internet to earn money. The best way to earn money through your content is to monetize your platform. If your content is video then you can upload your content on YouTube and can monetize it with Google AdSense, then AdSense will provide ads to your video and you can earn money through that. And if your content is image or article then you can make your blog and can also monetize it with AdSense and thus you can earn money through your contents online.

    But today I'm going to discuss about Facebook and their monetizing facility inside it. So let's begin......
Facebook is the most popular social media sites available on internet.
Do you know how they used to earn money?
If you want to know how you can earn money on Facebook, you should know how they earn. You will find many advertise on your Facebook page and you are seeing those ads because someone is paying Facebook to do that. And nowadays Facebook has launched a new facility of watch anyone live that's called Facebook live, with that facility any Facebook users earn money by monetizing their live video.
How to monetize Facebook videos?
You will find that many video video shows ads before showing the original video, this is because they have monetized their video with Facebook audience network. With this audience network you can monetize your Facebook video mainly your videos uploaded on your page. If you have a lot of views. But you need  to sign up for Facebook audience network.
Who provides those ads?
You know YouTube ads provides by Google AdSense. But Facebook ads provides by their own network called Facebook audience network.
How to monetize Facebook video?
If your video gets qualified then you will automatically find that monetizing option. The best way to earn from Facebook is to create your own page and upload your video on your own page then you can monetize your page. But then you need to monetize your videos also individually. But the best way to get ads and to increase the chance getting ads is to create a page and then upload your videos there.
How to can I payout or withdraw my earned money from Facebook?
You can withdraw you earned money from Facebook audience network when you have reached 100$ to make your payment. You can make your withdraw from PayPal.
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